This allows you to estimate your mark based on which critria you have completed. You should note that you are not guaranteed to get the mark you work out using this tool.

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Fail(30) Pass(50) Merit(60) Distinction(70) 80(80)
Issues (50)
Description of key/value databases and memcrashed.
Brief description, details are not clear or elements of the description are completely missing. Poor description of the CVE. Good description of the CVE. Excellent description of the CVE. Excellent description of the CVE. Include technical details (code) with an explanation of how the exploit is triggered.
Prevention (20)
Description of how to prevent the issue in the future.
Brief description. Poor description of how to prevent the issue. Obvious means or only looks at one aspect of prevention. Good description. When given to an export they could prevent the issue. Excellent description. Which when given to someone with technical knowledge would allow them to prevent the issue. Clear technical detailed including code/configuration that needs to changed.
Predictions (20)
Predictions of the implications of this exploit.
Short predictions which could be made by anyone, e.g. "it will become more important". Predictions of future impact are poor but seemingly correct. May just be just opinion or back by citations (which may not fully back up the case). Prediction of future impact are good but only backed up by opinion. Maybe few citations. Sensible predictions, backed by citations. Excellent predictions on future importance and effectiveness of cloud security security backed up by citations. Case made uses current literature (less than a year old).
Presentation (10)
Writing quality
Lots of spelling and grammatical mistakes. Difficulty in understanding what was meant in some cases. Some spelling and grammatical mistakes. Few spelling and grammatical mistakes. All diagrams are labelled and presented logically. Well written and grammatically correct. Publishable quality.

Estimated Total: